Ensuring that Missouri is a place for all to age well.

We are coming together to strengthen support for older adults in Missouri

Textured map of Missouri.

Over 500 individuals and allied organizations support Missourians as we age. Join our growing network to learn more about our efforts.

What We Do

Educate decision-makers and influencers about issues, challenges, and innovative policy approaches that ready the system to support and empower older adults at various stages of their lives.

Promote the full story of aging at the local and state levels in Missouri.

Coordinate an active and diverse coalition that includes multi-sector engagement and involves a multidisciplinary approach to aging in Missouri.

What Guides Our Work

Our work is guided by respect for all Missourians as they age.  We believe that individuals have the right to age as they determine, prioritizing safety and maintaining dignity, and quality of life. Our focus relies on centering older adults and recognizing life-long contributions (past, present, and future).

As we all age in Missouri, we can reimagine aging as a positive influence on Missouri by replacing outdated policies and practices with new and innovative ways of engaging older adults. 

The Missouri Council on Aging operates as an apolitical organization.

Quick Facts About Missouri

The life expectancy in Missouri is 75.1 years of age.

Missouri ranks 33rd out of 50 for risk of social isolation in adults over 65.

According to America’s Health Rankings, when it comes to aging, Missouri ranks 40 out of 50 states.

18% of Missourians age 65 or older participate in the labor force.

Missouri’s Adult Protective Services receives roughly 30,000 calls per year.